

Narbuļi, Amatciems, Drabešu pagasts, Amatas novads, LV-4101

The nearest airport to Narbuli Retreat House is Riga International Airport, which is approximately 97 km away.

How to find us

Retreat House Narbuli is located near Cēsis, approximately 84km from Riga along the A2 highway. To get there, you can take a train or a bus to Cēsis and then a taxi to the retreat house. The train runs 5 times a day, with travel times ranging from 1 hour 17 minutes to 1 hour 50 minutes. The intercity bus runs 10 times a day, with a travel time of about 2 hours.

The taxi number in Cēsis is +371 268 97 530 

GPS: 57.225185, 25.303144

To find us, you can use GPS coordinates 57.225185, 25.303144 or search for us on Google Maps or Waze.

Shuttle Service

If you require transportation to Narbuli Retreat House, please contact us and we will provide you with possible transfer options.

Company Details


TIN: LV40203394889

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    Tatiana Sycheva

    Tatiana Sycheva

    If you are interested in learning more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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