Archetype of the Magician
The Magician does not judge what is right or wrong
In ancient tales, the Magician is a wise wizard and advisor to the king, much like Merlin was the advisor to King Arthur. According to these tales, Magicians have access to hidden, esoteric knowledge that gives them special powers. People turned to them for help and advice when they needed to heal, transform themselves, or their lives. Magicians were alchemists who could transform one substance into another. However, perhaps because their knowledge went beyond the familiar, they typically lived outside society and observed it from the outside. This position, in turn, allowed them to develop an objective view of certain events, which they may have then used to help society see things in a new light.
This archetype allows people to understand themselves and the problems they face in new ways.
The Magician is that part of our personality that helps us take a step back and see the bigger picture. It is the part that allows us to step out of the thick of events and objectively observe what is happening. Scientists and researchers embody this objective position. The Magician does not judge what is right or wrong; he only explores what is. The Magician is unconcerned with morality; he simply observes what is happening like a mirror. This archetype is impartial. If any passion is inherent to him, it usually concerns the desire to penetrate deeply into life in order to reveal its mysteries.
Manifestations of the Magician
People in whom the Magician archetype predominates usually possess an active mind. They can enjoy the process of thinking itself, although often they strive to understand the depth of any phenomena.
As a result, they can know a lot about various areas of life. In everyday relationships, they usually keep a distance from other people. They especially refrain from emotional involvement. Such people remain “restrained, calm, and collected” when others experience dramatic moments. They usually take the position of observer and are inclined to be cautious about what is happening around them. They are inclined to observe both people and society, as well as the natural world. It can be said that they excel at watching and observing. Thanks to their ability to distance themselves, they can see the big picture. In addition, they possess a flexible mind that allows them to see many solutions to any situation and use various ways of thinking about phenomena. They also see threats and risks well. They usually warn others of potential dangers or play the role of devil’s advocate.
The Magician’s element is air because, like air, he can detach itself from everything earthly and move freely. In fairy tales, Magicians are also associated with this element – sometimes they disappear into the air, ride flying carpets, or fly on broomsticks. Air is changeable, and it is the Magician archetype that allows us to change our perception and translate our consciousness from one state to another.
The emotion that gives access to the Magician archetype is fear. This does not mean that people who use the Magician’s energy are always afraid of something. This archetype itself relates to knowledge and transformation. But to find something new, we must enter the realm of the unknown, which usually causes fear in people. But if we are willing to experience our fear, to accept it instead of fighting it, we can gain access to the gifts of our Magician energy. In a sense, when we risk seeing or changing something in ourselves, we go through an initiation, and rituals and initiations are traditionally associated with a certain fear.
Suppressed and excessive energy of the Magician
When the energy of the Magician is weak or suppressed, people often lose their ability to observe. They find it difficult to see the big picture and their perception becomes clouded. They start to struggle to understand things and recognize solutions, instead clinging to only one way of viewing the world. On the other hand, when the energy of the Magician takes hold of a person, their hyperactive mind may consider so many options that they are unable to choose between them. Alternatively, their mind may become so crowded with thoughts that their thinking becomes disjointed and confusing.
People with excessive Magician energy may also become too cold or cautious. They have poor emotional awareness and may be insensitive to others, failing to notice or consider their feelings. They insist on rational reasoning and believe that emotions have no place in the workplace. Their commitment to their own ideas and strategies can alienate them from their colleagues. Their tendency to see threats everywhere prevents them from making decisions and moving in the right direction.
In childhood, these individuals often received negative evaluations of themselves. They may have seen their parents directly tell a misbehaving child on the street, “You’re a bad boy!” These sorts of individuals can form various false beliefs about themselves, one of which is, “There’s something wrong with me.” They may believe that they have done or are doing something wrong, or they may even believe that they are inherently bad. Whatever the reason for this traumatic belief, as soon as people begin to tell themselves that they are bad, they become unable to see clearly. Their Magician energy is pushed into the Shadow, either being excessively amplified or suppressed.
The healing work for the traumatized Magician is intended to help them detach from any emotional or psychological experiences they have had and acquire a balanced view of the world so that they can see clearly again. Psychosynthesis, as a concept and therapeutic approach, is best suited for this purpose. It involves identifying different parts of ourselves, known as subpersonalities, in order to examine their energy and begin integrating them.
The Magician's Room
In the Magician’s Room, everything is designed so that you can see yourself and what is around you, as well as look into the far distance. From this room, you have the best view and you can look in three directions to see the distant shore of the lake, the forest, and other houses. There are many mirrors in the room allowing you to observe several images of yourself at once. The practices of the room are aimed at exploring your fears, discovering a multitude of facts, and developing your best strategies for moving towards your desired goals.